Monday, April 21, 2014

Hunter x Hunter Episode 125 Review 

"Great Power x And x Ultimate Power"

This review  may contain spoilers about Hunter x Hunter Episode 124. Do not read if you wish to stay surprised. Yes, the story is the same as in the manga. I will not spoil the manga.

How I feel when I wake up every day.

    Hey everybody! Thanks for taking the time to check out my anime nerd blog. Sorry for taking so long with this week's Hunter x Hunter episode review but here it is now and it's sub-par as usual!

Pouf trying to figure out how to make Gon stand up.

    After "Departure," finishes playing and our announcer finishes last week's episode recap. We are taken back to the Hospital waiting room where Pouf, Pitou, Gon and new visitor Knuckle are waiting for Doctor Blythe to finish Komugi's appointment. The narrator reveals to us that Pouf is attempting to outsmart Gon and Knuckle but Gon quickly stamps out any plans. Wildman instincts are too strong, please nerf! Then we get an awesome manga scene of Pitou's imagination running wild out of fear of Gon Freecs. Pouf decides however, that he does not want to play Pitou's game anymore and turns into a million chibis and flies away. How will Gon respond?

Later nerds!

    We are then taken back to the showdown between The King and Hunter's Chairman, Netero. The pair is beginning their duel to the death. The viewers are shown a small recap of Netero's challenge to the King and we are off to war.

Flowers give us all the strength.

    Netero begins his assault on the King and hundred-hand slaps him straight into a tomb. Netero's dialogue and new voice actor really shine here. Of course I preferred the old one but he's dead now and this is what we are going to get for the rest of the anime. I still like it! Ok, whatever, anyway, Netero and the King were talking about playing some Gungi instead of fighting and wait, that's not right either. Oh well, here's an amazing screenshot.

Trust the midas touch.

    What will happen to The King? What about Netero? Who will survive this fierce battle that rages on inside a tomb of kings long forgotten? Find out on the next episode of DRAGONBALL Z! I mean Hunter x Hunter.


    My Thoughts:

Another fantastically animated episode from Madhouse studios. The tension when the camera is on Gon and Pitou's situation is 10/10 well done and leaves me anticipated for future events. The King and Netero finally get their long awaited battle underway and it is nothing to blow dandelions at. Hunter x Hunter just knows how to bring 20,000 different emotions to life and show the very illogical side of human nature. Another episode that has completely blown me away, I give this 4/5 heart signs. Until next time my fellow virgin anime nerds!

RIP Ichiro Nagai-Sama!
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