Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hunter x Hunter is returning in June! 

    This is going to be a boring blog entry. HUNTER X HUNTER IS RETURNING!!! Yay! Rejoice with me if you are a fan. This basically means Togashi will be taking up the helm and writing new manga chapters every week for Shounen Jump Weekly. This is very exciting news if you have been following Hunter x Hunter the anime or manga as it basically means the anime will get to continue. 

Hiatus Chart for Hunter x Hunter.
    It also means that fans of the manga will get to continue their adventure with Gon, Leorio, Kurapika and last but not least, Killua. I just read Kurapika's Reminisces and I got extremely Hunter x Hunter sick but upon reading the news that Togashi is back, I can't help but get extremely happy and extremely excited at 1:01 AM as I am typing this.
Get hype!!!!!
   That's enough of my inner nerd for now though. Thank you Togashi for coming back to pen one of the best stories I've read in years in ANY media. If you'd like to support my blog, please click this link!!! It will redirect you back to this blog but will be felt in my heart for many years to come. Thanks for reading. I'm outta here. Stay tuned for the next Hunter x Hunter episode review. <3

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